The writing is on the wall, and it reads: “Our Earth Is Hurting.” Global attention to conservation and efforts to reduce rampant consumption are on the rise. Faucet companies like Delta are getting on board and doing something about it. We’ve all seen the electronic faucets at rest areas, restaurants, and airports—Delta’s Innovations e-Flow bath faucet (Model 547) brings that technology into your home. Not only will the hands-free operation reduce the spread of germs, but water use will be restricted to only what is necessary. No more wastefully running the water while shaving or brushing, and no more accidental “oops, I forgot to turn it off” from the kids. The electronic sensor is battery operated, and the temperature control handle comes in six colors, so your bathroom may act like an airport, but it doesn’t have to look like one. List price is $430.95.

Delta Faucet Company