Here’s an idea whose time has come. Some anonymous, talented, and ambitious web developer named “Paul” integrated the real estate listings on Craigslist with Google Maps. Now users can browse apartments for rent and houses for sale in various price ranges and see where the property is located at the same time. Click on the yellow and orange dots next to the listing to view the property’s location. Using the slide scale on the left of the map, you can zoom in and out on your selected location. For really phenomenal views, zoom in on the property and click the “satellite” button on the map. This is a great tool if you know the neighborhood you want to live in but don’t know the properties available. The listing includes property size, address, price, photos, and contact information for the apartment or home for sale. The search is limited to approximately 36 metro regions for now but more cities are on the way. This is a beautiful method of presenting information. Bravo, Paul!