How cool is this? Al Gore’s latest list of the easiest ways to go green is all about the home. His top five tips for going green include switching to compact fluorescent bulbs, installing programmable thermostats, using solar lighting for exterior landscaping and wayfinding, wrapping your hot water tank to conserve heat while reducing energy output, and buying Energy Star-rated appliances. Okay, we’ve been chanting these tips forever, but it’s so good to see this advice go mainstream, even rock star. The green upgrades he suggests are simple and affordable. Granted, debates still rage about fluorescent bulbs and how to dispose of them, but the energy saved is undeniable. Our September 19th entry talked about additional rebates for replacing old energy-guzzling appliances with energy-efficient models, and everyone knows programmable thermostats are a must-have. Let’s all try to incorporate some of these tips as we go about our fall touch-ups and upgrades. What a difference five tips can make!

Go Green with Al Gore