Home is a place where a family should feel completely comfortable and secure. Unfortunately, the home is often a dangerous place. The Home Safety Council (HSC), a national organization created for the sole purpose of helping people make their home safer, estimates home-related injuries result in nearly 20,000 deaths and 21 million medical visits on average each year. The organization’s Web site offers an extensive guide and teaching tool for the safety-conscious homeowner. There is information on building a safe nursery, childproofing your home, creating a safe environment for the elderly and more. The Virtual Home Safety Tour takes you room by room, exposing every possible hazardous situation in and around the home.
Even if you’re like me and you just can’t help being a “wild and crazy guy (or gal),” you probably still agree that you would like a sense of safety in your own home. All that is left for you to do is let the Home Safety Council help you achieve that feeling.

Credit: Home Safety Council