Americans make me angry. Well, not all Americans and not all the time. But we (notice I’m including myself) are so slow to adapt and accept new technology, even when we know it’s for the best.

When I lived in Australia, I met my first HET, or high-efficiency toilet. Used in most countries around the world and mandated in Australia (where I lived for two years) and New Zealand (where my hubby hails) since 1992, an HET uses 20 percent less water than a standard 1.6-gallon toilet. HETs are becoming more popular in America but are not the norm. Not only are they good for the environment but they’re good for your water bill.

I recently finished painting our downstairs bathroom (more on that story to come) and installed a Caroma Adelaide Cube Toilet. An HET, it’s a dual-flush toilet, which I know I’m going to have to explain to my family when they come to visit, but the practicality of a dual-flush is worth the explanation. Caroma boasts that the Adelaide Cube is “virtually unblockable,” and so far, so good! It is WaterSense approved, too. Lastly, I love the contemporary look of it, especially because it fits in well with our existing dual white sinks and standard shower. Who knew you could fall in love with a toilet?
