Forgive the promotional video, but this is one of those products I caught wind of at the IBS 2010 and had to write about.

I don’t know too many people who would prefer an unfinished basement to a finished one, but it’s one of those projects that can be hard to get off the ground. I know it never did for my parents’ basement (although it didn’t stop us kids from using it daily). The framing, insulating, drywall, ceilings–it can be a daunting project, for sure.

QuikStix from Armstrong has the homeowner covered on at least one of those project phases. As an alternative to wood framing, the QuikStix steel framing option assembles super quick (I was treated to a demo at their booth in Vegas) and eliminates the mold, rot and termite issues inherent in wood framing–particularly in the basement.

It’s not a cheap solution. I was told at IBS that QuikStix costs almost double what wood framing would cost, but for me the ease of installation and the knowledge that the steel product is pretty comprehensively superior to wood is, in my opinion, worth the extra dough.

Do you have an unfinished basement? Would you use Quikstix?
