Myoo Create recently announced the winners of its Care to Air Design Challenge, a challenge run in partnership with Levi Strauss & Co. to find the most innovative and sustainable way to dry your clothes.

$10,000 in prize money was doled out to the winners, among which were some cool concepts that I could get behind. After all, drying clothes in a drying machine significantly contributes to a household carbon footprint, while air drying contributes nothing. (If you live in a smog-heavy city, I bet air drying your clothes actually reduces emissions by absorbing some of them during the drying process. Gross but environmentally-friendly).

My favorite might be the Cirrus, which combines air-drying with greywater recycling. It also necessitates the use of natural detergents free of additives, which I’m a fan of.

What’s you favorite Care to Air Design Challenge winner?

Care to Air Design Challenge