Spring has sprung! What better way to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine than to spend a little time in your garden?

What, you don’t have one? Well, there’s never been a better time to start one than right now, especially during Earth Month.

Planting and maintaining a vegetable garden is a great way to provide the household with fresh, organic foods during the growing/harvesting months. Time spent in the garden is good for the soul, providing you with healthy vitamin D, fresh air and a chance to slow down and find some space in between those incessant thoughts running through your head.

To help with your leap into the world of gardening, we’ve put together a few resources. Enjoy!

  • Maintaining a Vegetable Garden. Learn some of the basics of keeping a veggie garden, including tips for watering, mulching and more.
  • Herb Gardening Basics. Get fresh basil, rosemary, cilantro and oregano for those exotic summer dishes you’re going to whip up for house guests.
  • Home Composting. Want to really do a favor to the planet? Use home compost in your garden. You’ll be reducing waste and feeding your herbs and veggies the nutrients they need.
  • Garden Design for Small Spaces. We don’t all have 5+ acres on which to cultivate a mini-farm. For those urbanites short on space, here are some tips for planning out a french garden, japanese garden and other garden types suited for the small yard or balcony area.
  • Do you have plans to start a garden this spring? Tell us about it!

    RYW Gardening Resources