The Burlington Free Press — Vermont’s biggest paper — ran a story today about the residents of Wilmington, Vermont, arguably the hardest hit town during Tropical Storm Irene. During the storm the Deerfield River, which runs through town, swelled and overflowed, washing out sidewalks, whole streets, poured through buildings and ripped apart foundations. Complete and utter devastation.

It’s a testament to the solidarity of the residents of Wilmington that the community hasn’t given up during the tedious and seemingly never-ending rebuilding process. It would be far easier to walk away completely, but small town folk tend to be old families with deep roots that no hurricane can displace.

The article has me thinking about the strength of my own community bonds. If Burlington had been as hard hit, would I be inclined to stick out the rebuilding process or would I pull up stakes and head for greener pastures? How about you? Would you do whatever it took to remain in your community even after a devastating natural disaster?

Credit: Burlington Free Press