An interesting release by carpet manufacturer Desso calls to attention the 300 million people worldwide who suffer from asthma. With the finger of blame pointed at poor indoor air quality in homes and buildings, Desso is advising homeowners to choose carpet over other flooring options because it will absorb dust instead of releasing it.

Desso also cites another alarming statistic, and this one from the World Health Organization: more than 2 million people die every year as a result of polluted indoor and outdoor air.

Alarming indeed.

But before homeowners go out and buy up rolls of carpet, consider the quality of the product being purchased and know that carpet has shouldered its fair share of blame for poor indoor air quality in homes. A known source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carpet manufacturers have had to clean up their acts in order to ensure the safety of their products.

Want to know if your carpet is safe? Check to see if it’s “Greenguard” certified, for starters. Although they are not the only certification program in town, Greenguard-certified products have made a name for themselves by keeping the air inside homes clean and healthy.

Have you had your carpet checked for VOCs?
