While in Ohio for the WIA, Tommy found time to check out the grand opening of a new Woodcraft store in Cincinnati. Surrounding him are store staff members. That funny wood carving on his left leg is a bust of absent employee Dusty Hillman, carved by Norb Hartman. Nice job with the carving, Norb!
The 20,000 square foot store sure seems a beauty. A trip with the family wouldn’t be an exercise in patience, either, what with this library section and its rolling HDTV woodworking videos, magazines, and books, not to mention the coffee, donuts and popcorn available for a shopper’s consumption.
Be sure to check out the Woodcraft blog for more images and video taken from the store’s opening. You’ll see some pretty cool demonstrations by the resident Picture Frame Specialist as well as a tour of the place.
Can i buy copies of your tv woodworking series?