Miscellaneous Cabinetry

Hanging Kitchen Cabinets

Hanging Kitchen Cabinets

Here are some things to think about when you’re hanging your kitchen cabinets. Start by hanging the upper cabinets first so the lower cabinets won’t be in the way. Snap a level chalk line- along the wall to align the base cabinets. Then, establish a plumb line to make sure the top and bottom cabinets line up. Use shim shingles to help you level the base cabinets. Then, use drywall screws to secure your cabinets to the wall studs.

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Hanging Kitchen Cabinets

Toolbox Tape

Masking tape can serve as temporary pulls on new cabinet doors so you can open them without digging fingernails into a fresh finish. Make a tab and stick the other end over the door top onto the back. Tape can also be used as an edge protector for tool edges, or as a quick clamp for edge splinters that need to be glued down. It’s also handy for marking locations for furniture hardware.

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