Miscellaneous Decor

Color Cues

Color Cues

Color does more than beautify. It affects our moods and energy levels, influences our sense of temperature, and alters our perception of space. The most basic guide to the impact of color is warm vs. cool: Warm Colors – Shades of red, yellow, and orange are cheery, animating, and bright. They can even stimulate appetite and conversation. Cool Colors – Blues, greens, and violets are more calming and serene. These hues lend a feeling of harmony to a home.

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Color Cues

Fountain Features

A fountain, unlike other statues or pieces of garden furniture, works with two senses at once: sight and sound. The pleasing sound of flowing water goes a long way to providing a calming atmosphere, indoors or out. In urban environments, flowing fountain water screens out the city’s noise pollution, and if you live outside a city, it will help block out the sounds of screaming neighbors’ children, traffic noise, and other distractions.

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