
Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Garage Doors and Hurricanes

In high winds, double garage doors can pull out of their tracks or collapse from wind pressure. If garage doors fail, high winds can enter your home and blow out doors, windows, walls, and even the roof. Make sure your garage doors are reinforced at their weakest points; in most cases, this step involves installing horizontal bracing on each panel. If you’re building a new garage or installing a new door, use heavier-than-standard hinges and stronger center supports than standard.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Installing Locks

When installing a new or replacement lock, be sure the keyway is positioned so that the cuts of the key will be inserted upward. This will reduce the chance of dirt, dust, and water (which can turn to ice in cold weather) settling in the lock mechanism creating a lockout or stiff operation of the cylinder.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Reinforce or Replace

Approximately 80% of residential hurricane damage starts with wind entry through garage doors. Ideally, garage doors should be equipped with steel bracing.

Be sure to follow manufacturer’s specifications when using or installing wind resistant and impact resistant products. Improper installation may cause a voided warranty or worse, a product failure that presents a threat to life and property.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Painting Doors

For paneled doors, remove all hardware or cover it with masking tape. (If some paint inadvertently gets on metal parts, wipe it up immediately with a soft cloth.) Paint the panels, working from top to bottom. For each panel, paint the molding first followed by the interior. Finally, paint the rest of the doorl finishing with the outer edges. If the door swings out, paint the hinged edge; if the door swings in, paint the lockside edge.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Vulnerable Garage Door

Garage doors are the most vulnerable to hurricane force winds for two reasons, first the relatively long span of opening that they cover, and second, the weak materials they are built with.

Many garage doors are constructed of lightweight materials to conserve weight and expense. Although their lighter weight makes them easier to raise and lower, it also makes them less resistant to the wind and impact forces of a hurricane.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Spring Screens

Spring is the perfect time to inspect door and window screens for tears. You can often repair small tears using a kit from your local hardware store. This will prevent insects from getting into your home, and keep you comfortable on the screened porch.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Sliding Door Security

Sliding patio doors can often be the weak link in an otherwise secure house. Be sure to use security bars for added protection on sliding doors and keep them locked when not in use. There are two primary types of security bars: one for standard doors and one for sliding patio doors. Look for a security bar with a patented locking device that can withstand up to 1,000 pounds of force. Patio door security bars should also prevent thieves from lifting the door off the track.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Fixing Door Dents

If you have dents in the metal-clad doors in your home, one answer is to use auto-body fillers to make the fix. Either the polyester resin or fiberglass paste fillers bond well with steel, and the repair can be made like on a car. But, because you can finish the door with acrylic-latex trim paint, not glossy auto body paint, you don’t need the skills of an auto body technician to get excellent results.

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Garage Doors and Hurricanes

Entry Speed

Making it difficult for thieves to enter your home is an effective way to protect your possessions. Research by the Natinoal Crime Prevention Institute shows that burglars generally will work no longer than 60 seconds to obtain entry.

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