Masonry & Paving

Drilling Debris

Drilling Debris

To get rid of drilling debris from holes you are making in masonry for anchors, use a section of small plastic tubing about 2 ft. long. By inserting one end of the hose into the hole and then blowing through the other end, you will be able to get rid of the drilling dust without getting any of it in your eyes.

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Drilling Debris

Horseshoe Handle

Either a horseshoe used for pitching, or the real thing, can provide you a handy carrying device when moving cement blocks. To use, insert one prong into the block’s hole; it will balance neatly on top of the prong. A 6-in. piece of rubber hose slit lengthwise and slipped over the other prong will give you a comfortable handle to grip.

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Drilling Debris

Concrete Mixing Ring

The problem: you don’t have a mortar box or wheel-barrow to mix up those small batches of concrete. Instead, use the ring method on a slab or sheet of plywood. Put down coarse aggregate on the bottom, followed by layers of sand and cement. Reserve the center for a mixing well. Then add water to the center and pull the ingredients into it with a garden hoe.

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