Use caution when heating the woodworking shop with a portable appliance.

There are some lessons in woodworking best learned through others’ mistakes.

Take, for instance, the case of Ronnie Helton of New Vienna, Ohio. Ronnie and his wife, Martha recently lost their garage and workshop in a fire, which was caused by a kerosene heater place too close to the combustibles in the shop.

The combined loss of the garage and workshop is estimated to be around $20,000.

Brave and committed are those woodworkers who refuse to let sub-zero temperatures keep them from their craft, but care needs to be taken when warming the garage or workshop space, particular if using portable heating devices. Follow the manufacturers guidelines regarding safe placement of these devices, keep the shop clean and consider shutting off the heating appliance when you leave the work space.

We’re glad both Ronnie and his wife were unharmed in the fire, and we wish them good luck in the rebuilding of the garage and woodworker shop.