
Spring Painting

T Square

A 4-ft. T-square for drywalling can come in handy for other projects. Besides being helpful in drywalling, it can be useful when laying out patterns or cutting on full sheets of plywood or particle board. The square is accurate, stable and will give you a full 48-in. straight line. Some newer versions come with a head that can be adjusted to various angles, then clamped in place.

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Spring Painting

Storing Dowels

To store dowels, molding and the like neatly off the floor in your shop, you can use empty 3-lb. coffee cans. Attach one can with a bottom 6 in. off the floor. Then attach another with both ends cut out about 2 ft. above it. Slide material down through it into the bottom can.

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Spring Painting

Installing a Toilet

If you’re updating a bathroom, you’ll need to know how to replace the toilet. Apply a wax seal over the floor toilet flange to prevent sewer gases from entering the room. For extra protection, put a second bead of plumber’s putty to seal any imperfections between the floor and the bowl. Place the new bowl firmly and evenly over the seal and bolt it to the floor. Attach the tank. Cut your toilet tube supply to connect the tank to your water supply. Fill and tank and flush away!

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Spring Painting

Powertool Safety

When working with any type of powertool, avoid wearing jewelry such as watches, bracelets or chains. They can easily become caught in the moving parts of the tool.

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Spring Painting

Rip Cuts

Rip cuts are cuts that go with the woodgrain. After a proper measurement and marking have been made, carefully use your thumb to guide your saw with two or three short upward strokes. Once the cut is started hold the saw at a 60 degree angle to the wood and make smooth, full downstrokes. If you’re making a long cut, use a wedge to spread the wood apart. This will help prevent any binding.

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