As Earth Month comes to a close, we can take the final two days to reflect on what we’ve done to better our planet and what we can continue to do moving forward. Although it’s great to celebrate the Earth for a month or even a day, the cliched saying that “every day should be Earth day” has a lot of truth to it.

If you haven’t done anything to celebrate Earth month, there’s still time. Fortunately the final day comes on a Saturday, which lends itself nicely to taking on any one of the many Earth Month Tips we shared throughout April. In case you missed them, here they are in list form. Tackle one of the them today or tomorrow!

  • Earth Month Tip #1: Kick the Bottled Water Habit. It’s high time those plastic bottles stopped filling up your shopping cart.
  • Earth Month Tip #2: Conserve Water. Fresh water shortages are no laughing matter. Even if you live in an area without these challenges, taking water conservation steps will save money and help in the long run.
  • Earth Month Tip #3: Earth-Friendly Lawn and Garden Care. Don’t be the Chemical Ali of the neighborhood. Choose organic and “green” fertilizer and pest control methods.
  • Earth Month Tip #4: Plant a Garden. Call it a Victory Garden, if you like. Name your tomato plants. Grow garlic to ward off the vampire down the street. Get those hands in the dirt and put home-grown food on the table!
  • Earth Month Tip #5: Install Energy Efficient Lights. The incandescent bulb is so last century. Get with the times by installing CFLs, LEDs and ESLs
  • Earth Month Tip #6: Healthier Spring Cleaning. Indoor air quality is vital to the health of family members. Keep your cleaning safe with these alternatives.
  • Earth Month Tip #7: Make Recycling Easy. There are a few ways to make your home’s recycling easier and more organized. Check out these fun recycling projects that won’t take the whole day to accomplish, like setting up a recycling station or creating a compost pile.
  • We hope everyone found some way to better our planet this month. And if you did, we thank you for it. And the Earth does, too.