
Repairing Floorboards

Repairing Floorboards

Here’s a way to save time and energy when repairing floorboards. Instead of drilling and chiseling damaged floorboards, use a plunge router. First, use a magnetic nail finder to be sure there are no nails in the way. Set scribe lines across the damaged pieces. Then, run the router across the boards for a quick, clean cut.

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Repairing Floorboards

Six-Mark Rule

Even on rough carpentry projects, such as laying out a wall or partition with a carpenter’s square, sharpen your pencil after every six marks. Using a blunt pencil could add as much as an inch to the overall dimensions over about 20 feet. This can throw the entire structure out of whack and make it difficult to fit wallboard, sheathing and other modular materials.

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Repairing Floorboards

Tape Check

If you are working on a project with a partner and using two different measuring tapes, take the time to check that both tapes are in synch. Sometimes if the hook end of an older tape happens to get bent, it may throw off the measurement as much as a sixteenth of an inch. That error can be enough to cause problems if you need to do precision work. To doublecheck two metal measuring tapes for accuracy, mark a line at a certain distance on a board, draw the tapes out and compare readings.

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Repairing Floorboards

How Many Houses

There isn’t a set number of houses you should see before you decide. Visit as many as it takes to find the one you want. On average, homebuyers see 15 houses before choosing one. Just be sure to communicate often with your real estate agent about everything you’re looking for. It will help avoid wasting your time.

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Repairing Floorboards

Pre-Qualifying vs Pre-Approval

Pre-qualification is an informal way to see how much you may be able to borrow. You can be “pre-qualified” over the phone with no paperwork by telling a lender your income, your long-term debts, and how large a down payment you can afford. Without any obligation, this helps you arrive at a ballpark figure of the amount you may have available to spend on a house. Pre-approval is a lender’s actual commitment to lend to you. It involves assembling the financial records and going through a preliminary approval process. Pre-approval gives you a definite idea of what you can afford and shows sellers that you are serious about buying.

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Repairing Floorboards

More Fans

Consider using an interior fan in conjunction with your window air conditioner to spread the cooled air more effectively through your home without greatly increasing your power use.

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Repairing Floorboards

Paint Tool Care

If you’re going to paint again tomorrow, just wrap your brushes or rollers in plastic and set them aside in a cool place. If your painting chores are done, clean your tools thoroughly. Latex washes off tools and trays with warm water. Oil-based paint requires a thinner or mineral spirit. Wear plastic gloves and work the solvent into bristles or nap and rinse until the solvent is clear. Once dry, store brushes hanging bristles down in their original wrap or paper. Rollers should dry and store standing on end.

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