
Mulching Bulb Beds

Mulching Bulb Beds

Wait until the ground has begun to freeze before mulching bulb beds. Mulching earlier will encourage bulb-munching rodents like mice and voles to nest there. A 3- to 4-inch layer of mulch will help prevent freeze-thaw cycles that can heave bulbs out of the ground; however, mulching is not absolutely necessary except in coldest areas.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

Contractor Credit

Pay your contractor by credit card when you can. Under federal and state law, in most cases, you have the right to assert any claims or defenses you have against the seller of the goods or services against the credit card company. This generally means that if the goods or services are defective, you can refuse to pay the credit card company until the problem is corrected.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

Paint Now, Save Later

Like tile, most paint will differ slightly in each lot produced. If you plan to use the same color thoughout your house, it’s a good idea to purchase as much paint as you can at one time. This will avoid any deviations in the paint color and save you an extra trip to the store.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

How Much House

The conventional home buying wisdom is to buy as much house as you can afford. It is important, however, to limit your mortgage obligation to what you can comfortably manage, especially during times when the economy is uncertain.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

Stale Listing Syndrome

Buyers sometimes ignore houses that have remained unsold for a long period, assuming, often incorrectly, that they must have serious flaws. One way to avoid the stale-listing syndrome if your house isn’t attracting buyer interest is to withdraw it from the market temporarily and then relist it, so it will appear fresh to brokers and to buyers, who won’t be put off by the old listing date.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

AC Filters

Change the filters regularly. Dirty filters restrict air flow, reducing efficiency and worse case, can cause the evaporator to ice up. Disposable fiberglass filters should replaced. Electrostatic or electronic filters need to be washed regularly.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

Good Wood

Ever wonder what wood is the best to burn as firewood? Oak is an American favorite, other hardwoods are also a good choice. You can burn other softer wood also, as long as it is split and dried long enough. It’s much more important to burn dry wood than to worry about what kind of wood it is.

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Mulching Bulb Beds

Bleeding Radiators

If you have a radiator in your home, be sure to “bleed out” trapped air in the system at least one to two times each year. Air trapped in the radiator blocks the flow of water and makes the system run inefficiently.

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