Today marks the close of National Playground Safety Week, but there’s no reason this shouldn’t be a year-round event. With spring upon us and kids taking to playgrounds in droves, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is urging all parents to make sure backyard, childcare center, and community playgrounds are safe environments. Their Handbook for Public Playground Safety has been in use for the past 25 years and documents the best practices in playground safety. It is available from their website in PDF format. This handbook includes things all parents should check for including sharp points or edges, attached ropes that can pose a serious strangulation hazard, and openings in guardrails. A revised and updated version of this handbook is set to be released later this year. In honor of Playground Safety Week, I dug through our video archives and found four episodes from season four of Home Again that chronicle a volunteer-built playground in Ohio from start to finish—check out Home Again episodes one, two, three, and four.

Playground Safety website