I had no idea Staten Island suffered from such negative stereotyping. So poorly has it been portrayed in television and movies the Staten Island Board of Realtors (SIBOR) has launched a new blog called “The Truth About Staten Island.” Obviously there’s a Realtor slant to the blog (they want you to move there), but it is fascinating to learn more about this “forgotten” borough of New York City.

SIBOR is hoping that Staten Island residents (islanders, really) and others familiar with the borough will help expand the Staten Island story by leaving comments in the blog.

This is certainly one way to drum up business for the Realtors on the island. Although it sounds more like they’re clearing someone’s name. It makes me want to know more about the all the negative ways Staten Island has been depicted. How did this reputation come about? IS there any truth to it? Is it because a lot of Law & Order and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episodes were shot there?

Have you ever lived on or visited Staten Island? What are your thoughts on the forgotten borough?

The Truth About Staten Island Blog