It’s hard to think about water savings when river banks are overflowing and flooding records are being set, but the fact is there are a number of our southern states experiencing extreme drought right now. Water is most certainly at a premium in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and a couple others.

Now is a good time to remind folks of the impact water-saving fixtures can have on the home’s water bill. Just as Energy Star rated products save on the electric bill, WaterSense labelled showerheads, faucets and toilets reduce water usage, lower bills and help conserve our most precious resource.

To help take the mystery out of the actual savings that a water-efficient install will bring, the EPA’s WaterSense site has put together a Savings Calculator. Just plug in a few numbers, pick out the products you’d be installing and voilá: payoff.

Summer is nearly upon us and many of you out there will be affected by municipal restrictions on water usage. Do your home and the environment a favor and install some water saving devices.

Check out these videos on how easy it is to install a water saving showerhead and a new toilet. You’ll kick yourself for not having done this long ago. Very DIY.

WaterSense Calculator