Selecting replacement windows for the home is no easy matter. In addition to the different materials, window types, hardware and glassware options, a homeowner must also be able to select a window that matches the home’s existing style.

What window is going to look best with in a Craftsman Bungalow? Or Tudor-style home? How does a homeowner even know for sure what style home they have? What kind of window will best invoke a desired home style?

Andersen Windows has the answer to all those questions in their new Home Style Library, an online tool that determines not only a home’s style but also which replacement windows (from Andersen, of course) will best fit that style or desired style.

The tool itself is free and is marketed not only to homeowners but also to architects and builders who will doubtless save time browsing their options by choosing windows by style.

Cool tool. Fun to play with even if you’re not in the market for new windows.

Andersen Home Style Library